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Richardson, Lisa, and Andrew Booozary. “Truth and Reconciliation in Canada’s Health System.” The Lancet , vol. 398, no. 10303, 10 Sept. 2021, pp. 825–826.

This short article identifies the importance of addressing the effects of the Canadian residential school system as well as colonial systems and policies in Canada when trying to close the health gaps faced by Indigenous peoples. The neglect and abuse faced in these schools has had lasting influences on the health of survivors and future generations, chronic illness, mental illness and substance abuse disorders are just some of these impacts. Hospitals and other health care institutions are not effective in the same way they are effective for white settlers. Long-standing racism in health-care organizations, as a result of negative prejudices and assumptions about Indigenous patients, as well as structural impediments to health-care access, play a role in creating poor health outcomes for both survivors of residential schools and all Indigenous peoples. The article discusses the importance of individual healthcare workers recognising their implicit biases. The TRC calls for monitoring of health outcomes, investment in Indigenous healing centers, and the education of all medical and nursing students about Indigenous health.